Whether you are moving in together, getting married or are married

These points in time in your relationship are the ideal time to think clearly about what you want to see happen should the relationship end. Taking advantage of the opportunity to decide in advance how you will divide assets and deal with debts amongst other matters gives you peace of mind knowing that you made these decisions on your own terms. Your agreement provides a guideline of what your financial and familial future holds. Having an agreement in place allows you to focus on the relationship or marriage instead of worrying about the consequences of a relationship breakdown.


After many years litigating family law matters, my office now exclusively practices collaborative divorce.

I’ve come to believe that this process is preferable to the traditional court-oriented process because it uses a team approach that focuses on the problems and not the people. A resolution is reached on your terms, taking into account both parties’ interests and goals. In my experience, this process often saves clients time and money and helps with the transition moving forward in terms of communication and the new family systems.

Collaborative divorce is an out of court process that allows you to reach a settlement with your spouse with the help of a team of professionals. These professionals include a collaborative divorce lawyer for each party and sometimes financial advisors, child specialists and divorce coaches.

Contact me today to book a consultation and see if the collaborative divorce process is a good fit for you and your partner.


You’ve separated from your partner, now what?

Having an agreement in place that deals with assets and debts, children, support and many other things following a separation gives you control of the process and the result. These types of agreements ensure that all issues important to you, as well as all those matters that are required by law to be addressed, are satisfied in writing. Your agreement will cover all items related to your separation and divorce (if married). My office can assist with putting this agreement into a legally enforceable document.


Limited Scope Family Law Matters

Independent Legal Advice on Family Law Agreements